Friday 22 March 2013

How to Be The Best at Everything [Motivation]

"The Way to Gain a Good Reputation is to Endeavor to Be That You Desire to Appear" - Socrates 

Be Inspired and above all Act! 
We have all heard motivational speeches, read inspiring books, we have all seen the impossible achieved by "a chosen few" and in response felt that rousing burn inside, that voice somewhere inside Urging us to Get Down To Serious business! To Work twice or thrice as hard! To never give up NO MATTER WHAT! To Unleash "The Beast"! To prove to friends, family and anybody really, that you are not an under-achiever!.....
.......Truth be told, we ALL have let ourselves and our dreams down....We have all once failed to transform that fire inside us to an actual "Beast"...for others maybe countless times.

But good news is-- we are not total losers. A wise man once said "A man without dreams is like a bird without wings". So yes! never give up no matter what! we cannot live life without "wings". If birds did not have wings, they would be extremely prone to predators, easily terminated, and it would not be able to even feed itself. Now that's the definition of Failure if you ask me. Therefore you now understand that dreams are key not only for motivation but for survival. It is key that you channel that dream from inside of you and let burst. There is no limit to dreams, to imagination, to possibilities and therefore none to achievement, success, and the "beast" inside of you! Every morsel of your entire being capable of far more than meets logic. Be that unique individual that challenges fear and faces trouble whatever the odds. Be Awesome! Be a Great, be the Young Prodigy you were created to be!

One thing we sometimes forget to understand is that, we were made By God! Yes, the Guy no one else matches, no one can contend! the Sovereign being! He did not throw you down on earth, He "Created", if your literature bearings are good, creation suggests there is purpose, no one was made for nothing, and God is great, and would not settle for anything but Great...then its safe to say, greatness is what WE ALL are meant to achieve in the most basic of manners. Cause God did give us the tools, a man would not hire contractors to build him a home if he would not provide them with resources, how much more God? Find your purpose and shoot towards it! It'l be easier than you think, cause you were made for it!

Now a lot of the motivational media, speeches and conferences tell us that it's possible, we can achieve it, they never really take you through the daily steps. That's why many off us fail to go on after being pushed! That's is why i have decided to spread the knowledge of success, the knowledge of excellence, wisdom, and  the small things that will get you there. That will make you a Young Prodigy. 

I will be writing a short Series on how to get to where you need to be as a youth, on how you must handle the common situations that affect all of us young people, a key to success is sharing a vision... i will get to that in the series. 

All you have to do is read, and Make sure, i cannot stress this enough, Practice What you Learn. An ounce of practice is better than tons of knowledge. Turn practice to habits and you will make conquer after conquer.

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