Friday 12 April 2013

How To Overcome Trouble [Motivation]

"Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals." - These are the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. This topic is not to sugar talk you into
"believing" that there is a way around suffering, but for you to accept that one day or today, you will be tested. For some of you, you may be going through hard times as you read this, others have been through hard times and are maybe unable to heal, others don't know what I’m talking about so you are afraid(hope you read the topic above! hehe). But this is for all of you ey. So just keep reading. The mistake we have all done including me is to believe that we can beat suffering when it comes. We've encouraged ourselves and others that we can ask friends for help and or start businesses or even work twice as hard to beat the problem. Bad news is if you've done this you have probably deceived yourself and I’m NOT saying it's wrong to have hope. In fact you need it through this. Good news is the way to getting out of your problem, is perseverance. Holding on, having that hope i just mentioned earlier. When in suffering is when our eyes open. <-- that phrase is very deep so don't under estimate it. It is only in suffering that you see the true colors of things and people around you. It is the hard way of learning who is most your most truthful friend, you learn what life is, you progress spiritually, in that you now Know what hard life is, you understand more than meets the eye. "Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things." 

Problems come and arise all the time, very few are brave to look it pass. We see trouble, pain, suffering, problems, issues and we wrap ourselves in sorrow and cries, some do their best to turn their backs and hope "it" passes. I strongly dislike the attitude many take against suffering, problems or mountains in-front of them. Only the brave the true beast look problems and see OPPORTUNITY. Most of you know the story of David and Goliath in the bible. If David didn’t Stand up to the Giant, that threat that made the army Tremble, if he hadn't looked Goliath in the eye and defeated him, no one would know David today for the GREAT KING that he became. Where everyone saw fear, failure, death, defeat, David found Glory. And God even added to the Glory and made him successful warrior in all the battles he went to. Keep in mind, he had no military training, no experience at all, he was a humble last born shepherd. Yet he became King. And today his story still amazes the ordinary and the achiever. Follow that example:  
"As a rule I don't like suffering to no purpose. Suffering should be creative, should give birth to something good and lovely." -CHINUA ACHEBE

Look at you're suffering as a trampoline towards your greatness! Chanel that negativity and create Awesomeness! Build yourself; what doesn't kill, actually does make you stronger. Promise yourself, that the end of you will be the day pigs lay nests on the moon and feed on fish knees (Exactly!), and until then it's pure greatness, awesomeness in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty, in success and in failure, in peace and in suffering, because you will always come On Top! Again David was just a simple shepherd, his story still resonates throughout millenniums, tell yourself that they will write books about you. Kids and historians will study you long after you die.  But don't you dare let a little bump on the road set you off, that mountain can be climbed, that problem will pass you by like it was never there, you will leave the greatest legacy ever. And it all comes be turning your tables and looking at danger in the eye, fearless and Brave. 

So I guess this was more of a way to show you how to handle difficult situations. Please understand again that you will be tested in life, have hope, have perseverance. the worst you can do to yourself is let the wave carry you into the sea, when instead you could have surfed that wave Head On!

“It's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog.”
― Mark Twain

Stay awesome beasts. God bless

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