Sunday 16 August 2015

A Beast of a different nature

I refuse to be ordinary. I refuse to diminish to the norms of our current society, I refuse to accept anything that makes me mediocre, I will go for nothing but the best, I will Be: Nothing but the best.
They said many have been there and failed, I know , that whether presented with the same or less of an opportunity, I will mercilessly take down that opportunity, rewrite my destiny, like a hungry lion on the hunt, I will not fail, I will not perform below standard, When I'm out for the kill, I will kill!
The negative voices in my head have no power over who or what I become. My mind is set, the goal is to surpass victory. Attain excellence. Pursue greatness. Beast!

When i set a record, I will set the pace for decades! My performance will resound in history. Such as great men have crossed the sands of this earth, I too will tread upon them with Honor. Such as great men have withstood the struggle, I too will relentlessly continue to persevere through the valley of the shadow of death. Such as great men have been studied in history classes, I too will build a name immortal before time.
Many have chosen to put their trust in Men, in idols, in the filths of this world, i chose the company of a King above all Kings! The King of kings! 👑  . Therefore, where i go, my presence will be humbly honored, when i lack, i will turn to my friend, my father. When the world is screaming at me, I will look to Him and seek His way. When I see tides rise to break my sails, I will walk on water. When fear overwhelms me, I will look into His eyes. When I dont know what to say, I will let Him take over my tongue. When they despise me, I will love them, I will bless them. When I'm tired, I will remember the goal is eternity, when things don't look well, I will close my eyes and let Him lead. Because my trust is in Him
The ideas I conceive will be unthinkable, amazing, limitless. And even though they may seem illogical, I will remember that all Logic we know so far has been made by Him.
I am Indeed a beast of a different Nature. I was not made to be Average, Nor Normal. I was Made to Conquer and Fulfill Purpose put inside me long before i was even conceived. I am Extra-Ordinary. 

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