Tuesday 11 August 2015

SHOCKING!: Man Looses Private parts over hyena ATTACK!

A man in Wajir is fighting for his life at Ladnaan Hospital after a hyena attacked him and bit off both his thumbs, private parts and bruised his hands and face.
According to the doctor attending to Mohamud  Abdi Barrow, 22, the victim is in a stable condition but needs urgent specialized treatment.

Speaking to the press at his office, the head of Kenya Wild Life Service (KWS) in Wajir Mohamed Madera said that Barrow was attacked by the hyena while he was asleep next to his goats in Bojiyarey, Wajir North.

Madera said that Barrow was guarding the goats after the hyena had struck the previous nights and killed some livestock in the area.
He could not, however, answer to claims that the hyena was now singling out humans considering that it did not attack any goat next to the victim and it did not touch any carcass that had been laced with poison meant to trap it.
The KWS boss added that the family of the victim and other livestock owners who have borne the brunt of wild animal attacks will be compensated once investigations are completed.
Wajir County is amongst the driest parts of the country where due to drought, human and wild life conflicts are at the highest as they both search for food and water.

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