Sunday 9 August 2015

Who is Mollis? [Trending Kenya]

Lately there's been a lot of noise in Kenya about a certain Mollis ...

Who is this "Mollis"? Honestly... He's everywhere: #mollis ,"Mollis I sullenda", "Nimeshoka", not to mention the wave of pictures that came with the overwhelming hashtags on twitter and instagram, broken-English comments and even the bunch of ignorant comments of individuals such as you and I - Begging to know who this "mollis" is, *sigh*...

For those of you who don't know why #mollis, is trending. It apparently started on
whatsapp, where a certain Audio Clip was being passed around of a guy mercilessly having sex with a girl, while the poor girl could only say: "Mollis I sullenda, nimeshoka.." repetitively. For those who need translation it simply means: "Morris, i surrender, i'm tired"

You can imagine she wasn't quite enjoying the sex when you ACTUALLY LISTEN to the audio. But Kenyans flow with the trend.. we took what appeared to be forceful sex on an individual and turned it into a comedy. 

And so #mollis hit the waves of Social Media and became a famous sex #guru for many and personally I admit: I Laughed at many of the pictures, yes i even shared some. but who didn't...

I really hope #Mollis wasn't raping the poor girl. It would be a shame for everyone. God Forgive us all.

I'm need to write about "How Much Sex is Too Much"... some Gentlemen are too crazed!

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