Saturday 8 August 2015

Hello Goliath... [Motivation] How to Conquer

Straight to the point: you got to admit if it wasn’t for how big a challenge Goliath posed to David and his people, you would have never known how great a man David came to become.

Great people came to be, when simple men defied GREAT challenges. A very simple

phrase, but quite noisy in resonance. At least to me… Oh, how the truth spears through you right now… You KNOW very well that you need to face that mountain, that obstacle, that problem, that failure… You NEED TO. ‘They’ told you to.

But with what attitude…

You would agree with me:

-          The more stairs you climb, the higher you go

-          The more weights you lift, the stronger you become

-          The more the distance you run, the further you go

-          The more time you spend studying, the more knowledge you take in

THEN, the bigger the challenge you overcome, the GREATER you will be… Stronger, Faster, Better…

“Hello Goliath…”. Live to beat down that Giant, Take him down with all you got, gather all you ARE, all you KNOW, into shear will and precision, that point of EXCELLENCE, when Assurance and Determination meet… At that point! Live for That. Live to become Greater. Smile in the face of Danger, Baffle Them. Let them know that here lived a man, Greater than his Fear, Greater than his obstacles, Greater than reality, For this Man stood against all odds, stood before Goliath …And Slayed him.

Can You Slay The Giant? Can you slay Goliath?

Accept the Challenge, Accept to Endure, Accept to Fight, Accept to Rise, Accept to Win, Accept to Shine, Accept to Baffle them!

“Who Are You? I am the mountain I Overcame, I am greater than the giant I slayed, I am Greater Than Goliath…”
Challenge Accepted!

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